The Eatery
The Avalon Eatery
Hot Lunch Program
The Avalon School Parents Association is excited to now offer online pre-ordering of Mondays & Wednesdays Chick-Fil-A, Tuesdays & Thursdays Marathon Deli, and Friday Pizza meals at MyMealOrder is a simple and effective way to pre-order and pay for your school lunches online.
MyMealOrder provides:
- Convenience – Available 24/7 on the web or on any mobile device.
- Efficiency – Make payments for all your children with one account.
- Control – Select the meals and items you want your children to eat.
- Flexibility – Make payments using credit/debit cards and electronic checks.
- Security – MyMealOrder adheres to the highest security standards, including PCI and provides the highest level of security available against card-present data fraud.
Creating an account is simple
- Go to and register for a free account.
- Add your students using their student ID, last name and school.
- Select your meals in a week view or a month view and complete the checkout process with your credit/debit card or electronic check.
A convenience fee may apply*. You will have the opportunity to review any fees and cancel if you choose, before you are charged. We are very excited to offer this service and are confident this system will benefit you during your student’s time at The Avalon School.

We are happy to announce Marathon Deli on Tuesdays and Thursdays! They offer both Greek and American fare.
Please place your order on 3 days prior to the date of the meal.

Chick-fil-A lunch is offered on Mondays & Wednesdays. Options include: grilled nuggets (w/chips), grilled sandwich (w/chips), Cobb salad with grilled chicken, cool wrap, yogurt parfait with granola, fruit cup, side salasd, Mac & cheese (sm or med).
Please note: all orders should be placed 3 days prior to the date of the meal.

Domino’s Pizza lunch is offered by the slice every Friday. The cost is $2 for a slice of pepperoni or cheese.
Please note: all orders should be placed 3 days prior to the date of the meal.
Be a helper! We need Volunteers!
The lunch program run by ASPA can always use volunteers to help our lunch program run more smoothly.
Click the button below to sign-up for specific dates and times amenable to your own schedule.