Sports Central
A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body
“Mens sana in corpore sano” (A healthy mind in a healthy body) is almost a platitude of education and when something becomes a platitude it loses the energy of its underlying meaning. Avalon recognizes that a body is not something a person has, but it is an integral part of who he or she is. Sports provide not only a means of physical fitness, but an entry into the uniquely human world of games where effort and teamwork and camaraderie are all blended.
Daily Physical Education for students in grades K-8 allows them to test their physical limits and to test each other. The Avalon School exposes boys to the regular passel of sports that are commonly played, helping them to develop the skills necessary to compete capably, and encouraging the boys to use their imagination and innate competitiveness to develop games of their own.
Just as a student would not be able to take Calculus or Latin IV without the necessary prerequisites, not everyone who tries out for an interscholastic team is able to make the team. Cuts are made, although rarely at the middle school level, since a false sense of achievement robs the student of a fair assessment of areas that need improvement and diminishes the excellence and hard work of those who truly deserve it.

Fall Sports
Winter Sports
Spring Sports
Playing at the Next Level
Black Knight student-athletes have accepted opportunities to play at all levels of college sports. Below is a list of schools where former Avalonians studied and continued their playing careers:
Anne Arundel Community College
Arizona State University
Benedictine College
Bowie State University
Catholic University of America
Centre College
Cornell University
Denison University
Florida State University
Frostburg State University
George Mason University
High Point University
Hood College
James Madison University
Kalamazoo College
Kentucky University
Kentucky University
La Salle University
Lawrence University
Loyola University of Maryland
Monmouth University
Montgomery College
Mount Saint Mary’s University
Old Dominion University
Old Dominion University
Penn State University, Mont Alto
Penn State University
Rutgers University
St. John’s University,
Queens, NY
Saint Louis University
St. Olaf College
St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Salisbury University
Seton Hall University
Shepherd University
Stevenson University
Temple University
The Catholic University of America
Towson University
University of Arizona
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado, Boulder
University of Dallas
University of Iowa
University of Kentucky
University of Maryland,
Baltimore County
University of Maryland, College Park
University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
University of New England
University of Virginia
University of Oklahoma
Wabash College
Washington and Lee University
Washington College
West Texas A&M University