The experts in raising young men
Our four pillars for an excellent education
The Avalon School believes in these necessary components to a well-lived, fun, character-building life and education for young men.

Put out into the Deep.
The School’s motto, Duc in Altum (Put out into the deep), is taken from Saint John Paul II’s Apostolic letter Novo Millennio Ineunte. These words “invite us to remember the past with gratitude, to live the present with enthusiasm, and to look forward to the future with confidence.” Young men must learn that taking risks and making commitments in their daily lives–intellectually, spiritually, and physically–are necessary to grow both personally and professionally.
Win up to $1,000 for writing an excellent poem! This contest is to honor the life and work of Joseph W. McPherson (1948-2019) who loved poetry, especially its usefulness in revealing the true, the good and the beautiful. He wrote several thousand sonnets during his life on themes including history, religion, art, and natural history. He continues to inspire the mission and culture of Brookewood School and The Avalon School, including our commitment to the study and recitation of poetry.
Avalon at a glance
Student to teacher Ratio
Years established in MOCO
Advanced Placement Courses offered
Average class size
How often Mass is Offered during a week
50% less
The average cost of tuition compared to other boys schools
A little about us…
Established in 2003, The Avalon School seeks to cultivate in its students a sense of intellectual freedom and personal responsibility; to foster the gifts of faith and culture that are within each boy’s reach, and to help them fulfill the deep desire to live a noble life that resides in all men.
Learn MoreFollow us on Instagram @theavalonschool
News & Events
Vincent McHale in The Catholic Standard
Vincent McHale, a senior at The Avalon School, reflects on his high school journey and the supportive Catholic community that shaped him as he prepares to graduate and attend The Catholic University of America. From overcoming initial adjustments to embracing his faith and academic passions, McHale’s story is one of resilience and gratitude.
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